Leave Applications

Leave Application Samples and Format for University, College, School, Office, Shop, and Business

Leave Application Samples & Formats

A leave application is written to a higher authority in your place of employment that requests to be given off from work for a particular period of time.

College students, when writing a leave application should keep certain things in mind. For example, the purpose for which they want the leave in the first place should be clearly mentioned. It should be written compellingly and the reason should make sense to the leave approver. Reasons like sickness, having to do an urgent piece of work, or visiting a dying relative almost always get approval. 

The leave letter needs to be formal, that is, it should contain professionalism. The leave application should be brief, to the point, honest, and proofread for grammatical errors. 

Leave Application Letter Types:

There are a number of reasons why you would want to leave work. Some of them are;

    • Leave For taking care of child/children
    • Leave For being disabled for a temporary period
    • Leave To attend a funeral
    • Leave For pregnancy
    • Leave For wedding
    • Leave For a sabbatical
    • Leave For a religious ceremony or occasion
    • Leave For supporting the family
    • Leave for a medical emergency
    • Sick Leave Application
    • Half-day leave application
    • Leave for urgent piece of work
    • Leave For medical purposes etc.

Leave Application Letter Writing Format:

There are certain things associated with writing a leave application letter. It doesn’t matter if you are writing it for school, a job, or for any other place. A properly drafted leave application letter with a genuine reason will convince the leave approver to grant you leave. 

A leave application can be written in the following manner:

Your name,
Your designation,
Organization name,
Date (of writing the letter)

Addressee’s name,
Organization name,

Subject: whereby you briefly state the purpose of the application.

There are three parts of a leave application letter:

1) Body:

This is the section where you state your need for the leave. It should be written in a down-to-earth manner and should address the employer in a respectful way. It should state the length of the leave and the reason for taking the leave in the first place. Always remember to be brief and to the point.

2) Details:

Any details that you didn’t mention in the body will go here. You are supposed to mention where you stand in your current project and also how do you intend to hand over the rest of your obligation (if there is any) to your colleagues. Be thorough and clear in this section.

3) Thanking:

This is the section where you thank your employer for taking time out for reading the application and also you thank them in advance in case they grant you the leave. Don’t forget to leave your contact information for them in the event they need to reach out to you for some reason.

Close the application in the following manner:

Yours Sincerely,
(Your Sign),

(Your Name).

Leave Application Sample and Example

Mr. Sullivan,
Assistant Manager, Finance,
Sony Group, Mexico,

Mr. Mike Specter,
Tax Assistant,
Sony Group, Mexico.

Subject: Application for taking a leave for doing an urgent piece of work.

Dear Mr. Sullivan,

I beg to state that I need to visit my home city for a period of a week. I happen to have purchased property there and I have to be there in person to carry out the paperwork. I have the intention of leaving in the evening tomorrow (mention the date) and I am planning to come back on Friday (date). I will have finalized all the paperwork by then.

In my absence, Mr. Alex will take care of my project. I have briefed him on that and he is going to make sure to keep you updated on every day’s progress.

I shall be really grateful to you if you grant me a leave of absence for the aforementioned period. In case you need to reach out to me, feel free to call me on (this) number.

Thank you,

Yours truly,
Mike Specter.

Leave Application Format for Email

E-Mailing has become very common even in organizations and you can use emails to convey your message to the intended party. A mail is similar to a letter but it is prompt and it always gets to the right hands. There are certain things to consider while writing a mail letter asking for a leave from work.

    • Be sure to keep a respectful tone and be kind to the addressee.
    • Keep a formal tone and be extra careful with the choice of words.
    • As with the physical letter, state clearly the reason for taking off from work and the duration for which you want the leave of absence.
    • Proofread for errors before hitting the send button.

Mails are written in a more or less same manner as the letter. Follow the following format for writing a leave application in the form of mail.

Leave Application Mail Sample

The Email address of yours
Date of writing the mail.

The addressee’s email,

Subject: of the mail.

Dear (addressee),

In this part, you are supposed to give the reason for asking for the leave as well as the length for which you want the leave to be granted. Close the letter by showing gratefulness to the addressee for reading the letter and for considering granting the leave.

Thanking you,
Your name.

Universal Leave Application Format and Sample

[email protected].



Subject: Leave for attending a funeral

Dear Mark,

I am writing this letter to let you know that my uncle has passed away suddenly. His funeral is scheduled for today and I need to be there to support my family in this time of need. I have to ask for a day off (mention the date). I apologize in advance for any problem that arises in the office because of my absence. I promise to accomplish my duties as soon as possible after resuming the office. In the meanwhile, I have asked Mr. William to take over my project.

Thanking you,

Application Letter for taking Medical Leave

Regina Wheeler,
Resident Doctor,
IGM Construction,


Ben Philips,
Resident contractor,
IGM Construction,

Subject: leave for medical purposes

Dear Mr. Philips,

I would like to bring your attention to the fact that I have a physiotherapy session scheduled for (date) and for that reason I will not be able to attend the office on (date). This physiotherapy is a necessity as I suffered a major injury some years ago and that initiated chronic back pains for me. I am hoping to get rid of these pains which are also hindering my work in the office. I have also enclosed my medical documents along with this letter. Furthermore, my colleagues are going to make sure that the work is not affected in my absence. I assure you that upon rejoining the office, I will take care of all the tasks that need taking care of.

I will really appreciate your consideration in this matter. In case, you need to reach out, feel free to call me on my (this) number.

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Regina Wheeler.

Application Letter for Sick Leave:

Sick leave is where you ask for a day/s off because of some illness. Below is a free template for that that you can edit and use for your own purpose:

Regina Wheeler,
Resident Doctor,
IGM Hospital,


Ben Philips,
Resident contractor,
IGM Hospital,

Subject: Application for Sick Leave

Dear Mr. Philips,

I am writing this letter to ask for a sick leave of three days. I have caught diarrhea which is causing extreme pains in my stomach and legs as well. The doctor has asked me to take rest for a week (mention the dates). I am enclosing the medical prescription for the evidence. I assure you that I will remain in touch with the work as best I can. I will make up for pending work upon resuming the office if there will be any.

If you have any questions, let me know. You can contact me on my mobile phone (give a number here). I am looking forward to your positive response in this matter.

Best Regards,

Leave Application for an Urgent work Piece:

Regina Wheeler,
Resident Doctor,
IGM Hospital,


Ben Philips,
Resident contractor,
IGM Hospital,

Subject: Application for taking a leave to do an urgent piece of work

Dear Mr. Philips,

I need to bring your attention to the fact that I have been asked to give a lecture at a medical college. The lecture is on this (date) and I will join the office back on (date). After the lecture, I will be back in the office in my previous form. I am trying to not leave any work behind me but in case anything comes up I have talked to my colleagues and they will take care of that without disrupting the structure. 

I have been very kindly asked to give this lecture. I shall be really grateful if you choose to grant me the leave for the aforementioned time period.

Thanking You,
Yours truly,
Regina Wheeler.

Yousaf Saeed

I'm Dr. Engr. Yousaf Saeed, founder of the AScholarship Education Portal. My academic path includes 3 prestigious international scholarships — Australia Awards, CSC, and HKPFS — for my higher studies. I am also an IChemE affiliate whereas I've also worked for companies like Aramco and BYCO oil refinery as an production engineer at the start of my career. I completed MS, and PhD with major research publications in leading SCI journals (details on my Researchgate Profile). This aScholarship.com reflects my commitment to educating and therefore i started it for the purpose to guide aspiring international students for find scholarships for their higher education dream. As an experienced educator and mentor, I specialize in navigating the intricacies of research and patent and write useful articles on these topics too.

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