Summer Internships 2024

Weekly Internship Report Format, Example, Sample: Writing a Weekly Internship Report

Congratulations on winning an internship opportunity! Now, the task is to complete all the assigned work within the scheduled time, and to do so; you need to keep track of your work and provide a summarised internship weekly report to your supervisor. The educational institutions require the students to keep them up to date with their progress during their internship period. The students have to share their experience with a particular organization during the course of their internships with their respective colleges or universities. The weekly internship reports help them do just that. 

Weekly internship reports need to be very specific as these are supposed to be submitted every week and every task performed needs to be accounted for. These reports are pretty simple to prepare. But, they can be a big hassle if the intern has no idea how to prepare one. Luckily we have come up with a step-by-step guide on how to formulate weekly internship reports.

Steps to Draft a Weekly Internship Report:

  • Make a Cover Page:

The cover page of any report is the first thing that any reader would see. It should contain the title of the report in generic words. It should be attractive yet professional-looking. It can contain a title like Abc’s Weekly Internship Report in order to avoid any misunderstanding. The contents of the cover page should be brief and should clearly mention the title of the report. 

  • Add your Bio-Data below the Title:

Underneath the title, state your name, your grade, the name of your college/university, and the date of formulating the report. Title and little information about you create the title page or the cover page of the weekly internship report.

  • Add in Your Daily Tasks and responsibilities:

Before going ahead with what you did during a week, you need to state the name of the organization, its services/goods that it offers, its vision, and its mission. After this brief introduction of the company, write down the tasks you performed and the duties you handled during that particular week. Don’t leave out tiny details like filling out invoices or writing memos. These petty tasks also increase the value of your report. 

  • Mention your Experience and Opportunities of learning:

Move on from describing the tasks you handled and discuss your overall experience at the organization. Talk about what you learned and what you think you improved at. What kind of challenges you faced and how you tackled them. You can also give an unbiased opinion about what the organization can do to make its system more efficient and how the internship experience can be made better. The criticism should not sound offending and should only be for constructive purposes.

  • Make an Appendix:

The appendix is used for referencing any articles, images, documents, and/or tables that the reader may want to take a look at. You can use the appendix to add any such information. For example, you can include a spreadsheet that you prepared. Try to bring something new to the table and try to make an impression of yours in front of the reader. The examples of your work will help the reader understand your intellect and hard work.

  • State your Observations:

Providing insights into your experience can help formulate a brilliant report. These kinds of reports stand out among other reports whereby the internees only ever state the regular stuff. You may talk about how this internship has shaped or changed your thoughts about professional life, what lesson did you learn and how do you intend to use them. Conclude the report with a positive comment or remark about the organization or your experience there.

At the end of the internship; companies ask internees to submit detailed internship reports, and internship presentations. Therefore, plan ahead of time on how you will write an impressive internship report and deliver a quality presentation at the end of your internship.

Yousaf Saeed

I'm Dr. Engr. Yousaf Saeed, founder of the AScholarship Education Portal. My academic path includes 3 prestigious international scholarships — Australia Awards, CSC, and HKPFS — for my higher studies. I am also an IChemE affiliate whereas I've also worked for companies like Aramco and BYCO oil refinery as an production engineer at the start of my career. I completed MS, and PhD with major research publications in leading SCI journals (details on my Researchgate Profile). This reflects my commitment to educating and therefore i started it for the purpose to guide aspiring international students for find scholarships for their higher education dream. As an experienced educator and mentor, I specialize in navigating the intricacies of research and patent and write useful articles on these topics too.

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