
5 Tips of Scholarship Exam Prep: How to Prepare for Online Scholarship Exam?

How to prepare for an online scholarship exam: The top 6 tips

Generally, online exams are a bit tricky. Whether it’s an exam for a scholarship or a regular university test. An online exam for the scholarship is an analysis of an aspirant’s abilities and talents. Organizations or universities providing scholarships are looking for students who are talented enough to apply their knowledge in a number of ways and contribute to the progress of their institution or country. Mostly, multi-skilled students are preferred.

Some organizations demand Scholarship Essay to evaluate the applicant’s abilities and some take Scholarship exams. However, many scholarship programs are especially for students who are experts in a specific field; such as arts, sports, etc.

The goal of regular exams is to assess the students’ knowledge about a particular subject; subject which he/she has been taught. On the contrary, the scholarship test is aimed at evaluating aspirants’ overall intellectual and rational abilities. You cannot simply cram some paragraphs and appear for the test the next day.

Top 5 Tips on How to Prepare for an Online Scholarship Exam?

But no worries! In this article, you will find the top 6 tips that can make the process easy for you.

  • Get some knowledge about the scholarship provider

Before you start preparation, do some research and gather all the available information about the scholarship providing organization. You can do this in a number of ways. Visit their website for official information. Besides, you can also contact students who have already achieved the scholarship. Try to gather all the useful information, such as details of the exam, the aim of the organization, merit criteria, etc. Give special attention to the details of exams. Find what type of question is generally asked and also the answers to commonly asked questions.

  • Prepare yourself for verbal reasoning

In this test, a passage and some statements are given to you. You will be required to analyze that text and provide reasonable answers to the given statements. It is simply a test that evaluates your comprehension and interpretation skills. It tests your verbal argumentation skills; how you assess a particular problem statement and provide rational arguments according to the situation. After reading a statement, a lot of people draw conclusions directly and do not analyze the statement comprehensively. Therefore, these tests help the examiner with identifying an aspirant’s analytical and cognizant talents.

  • Prepare yourself for quantitative questions

It is a highly advanced and complicated intelligence quotient test. It tests how an aspirant makes use of his mathematical abilities to solve complex problems. The key point in this test is to comprehend the crux of the question. Once you are done with fully understanding the question, you can apply the relevant methods to solve the question. This test is special as most of the scholarship providing organizations are looking for students who possess quantitative reasoning skills. No matter what your field is, you are required to have quantitative reasoning skills.

  • Consult Past exam papers

Start reviewing past papers at least two weeks before the actual exam. Consulting past papers can make the process relatively easy for you. You don’t have to just check the papers randomly. Rather, you should follow an appropriate plan. First, go through the papers and find repeated questions. Second, search the relevant answers to these questions. You can also consult an expert if necessary. Finally, attempt past papers as mock exams. This strategy will make the process look a lot easy.

  • Give yourself time limits

Any student who has already passed the scholarship test will tell you that the most difficult part is not the test itself, rather it is the time restrictions. This is because time restrictions make the process nerve-wracking, particularly when all your future goals count on the test score. Nevertheless, the time allotted is enough and if managed properly, you can easily complete all the tasks in a given time. But it is human psychology, we always think we are short on time when we are faced with any critical challenge.

  • Practice is the key

Yes, practice is the key and hard work pays off. Nothing other than practicing can make it happen for you. Create a preparation plan and divide it into parts. Set a specific goal for each part. Make sure that you consider all the sub-aspects of the questions before answering them.

Also, once you are done with answering the question, critically analyze it. This analysis will assist you in finding your strengths and weaknesses. Thumbs up for all the strengths, but the helpful findings are your weaknesses. Make efforts to explain to yourself what serious mistakes did you make while answering the question. The mistakes can be due to any factor, such as the pressure of an exam, lack of knowledge, etc. Work on all the weak sections and come out of the process as a winner.

Finally, complete your preparation at least 3 days before the exam. Moreover, you can also choose to watch some comedy movies or motivational Ted Talks to get rid of the stress. It is highly recommended that on the day before the exam do not sit on the study table. Relax on your couch or do hang out with friends.

Use these tips and get the job done. Success is waiting!

Yousaf Saeed

I'm Dr. Engr. Yousaf Saeed, founder of the AScholarship Education Portal. My academic path includes 3 prestigious international scholarships — Australia Awards, CSC, and HKPFS — for my higher studies. I am also an IChemE affiliate whereas I've also worked for companies like Aramco and BYCO oil refinery as an production engineer at the start of my career. I completed MS, and PhD with major research publications in leading SCI journals (details on my Researchgate Profile). This reflects my commitment to educating and therefore i started it for the purpose to guide aspiring international students for find scholarships for their higher education dream. As an experienced educator and mentor, I specialize in navigating the intricacies of research and patent and write useful articles on these topics too.

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